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New Ways to Understand Belonging at Work

30 November 2023
  • Start: 12:00pm
  • End: 1:00pm
  • Duration: 1 Hours
  • Category: Regional Events
  • Region: Nationwide
  • Online
Join the Academic Branch online as our presenters provide research insights and practical strategies for HR professionals to create new ways to understand belonging at work.

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Please note this event has changed from the 31st October to the 30th November.


This webinar aims to provide research insights and practical strategies for HR professionals who want new ways to create a sense of belonging for staff, within their organizations.

Webinar Objectives:

1.The Power of Micro Moments: Highlight the significance of small, everyday interactions in building a sense of belonging. Provide strategies for HR professionals to create and capitalize on "micro moments" (as opposed to long term connections) that enhance employee connection, collaboration, and engagement in workplaces.

2. Navigating Global Challenges in Belonging: Examine the diverse cultural, geopolitical and social factors that can impact belonging in the workplace among displaced workers. Present research with an in-depth examination on research that focuses on displaced workers during the Russian war against Ukraine.

3. Broadening Understanding of the Work-Family-Life Interface to Consider Grandparents: Explore the unique contributions and challenges in focusing on grandparents and work in New Zealand. Outline research that builds a case for creating supportive policies and work environments that acknowledge and address the needs of grandparents in the workforce.

4. Cultural Engagement Examine the changed landscape of work for Māori and the need for differing strategies that include wider community involvement at work.



  • HRNZ Members = FREE
  • HRNZ Student Members = FREE
  • Non-Members = $25.00

Please note our prices include GST.  Payment is due at the time of registration.

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To receive a full refund cancellation must be received by HRNZ by email to [email protected] three working days before the day of the event.

Cancellations after this time and/or 'no shows' on the day will be payable in full.
Appropriate substitutions are welcome - please email [email protected] with their details.

Presenter Details

Professor Maree Roche

Professor Maree Roche has expertise in three interconnected clusters: (1) leadership psychology, (2) employee wellbeing/mental health at work, and (3) indigenous, specifically Māori leadership and employee wellbeing, from a Māori/kaupapa perspective. These clusters can be examined separately, however, her research also identifies their interconnectedness to provide a comprehensive understanding of organisational challenges. Through her research, Maree continues to inform international and national audiences of the value of properly understanding and resourcing the mindsets of leaders and employees in today’s complex, bi cultural, and changing business environments. She has also been awarded: Fellowship - Positive Organisational Behaviour Institute (USA)

Professor Candice Harris

Candice is a Professor and Head of Department of Management in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law at AUT. Her primary areas of research are careers and work-life interaction, gendered experiences of work (paid and unpaid) and advancement. She enjoys supervising PhD and Masters students working in the fields of careers, work and management, with particular interest a women's career experiences and career development. She teaches courses in human resource management and development. Beyond AUT, she is co-chair of the Te Manahua New Zealand Universities Women in Leadership (NZUWIL) Steering Group. She also has experience in executive education delivering leadership development programmes in the private sector. In 2018 Candice was awarded a Vice Chancellor’s Diversity Award for contributions in the area of gender and diversity within AUT and beyond.

Anna Earl

Anna is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Canterbury. Her key research interests include relationships between multinational enterprises and governments, as well as how MNEs from emerging economies deal with institutional complexity and manage change. Recent research projects include development of rural entrepreneurial ecosystems and ethics in research, academia and organizations. In particular, Anna is interested in ethical leadership and how it shapes the global business environment. She is also interested in methodological issues in conducting qualitative research in emerging and developed economies. *International Business *Multinational enterprises and governments *Emerging economies *Institutional theory *Ethics and research *Ethical leadership Anna has been involved in a number of publications.

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