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Membership FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How do I join HRNZ?

Simply complete the online registration form. If you have previously been a Member you can reactivate your Membership by Logging in and updating your details. If you have forgotten your Login details or have any problems, please email [email protected] and we can reset this for you.

Q: How long is HRNZ membership for?

Your HRNZ Membership will commence for 12 months on the date that we recieve payment for your application.

Q: Are HRNZ memberships personal or corporate?

HRNZ membership is personal, so even if your employer pays for the membership it remains with you and cannot be transferred to another employee unless your employer has a HRNZ Organisation Membership Package. The onus is on you to keep your contact and employment details up-to-date and inform HRNZ of any changes. If your membership is part of an HRNZ Organizational Package purchased by your Employer then your membership may end when you leave their employment.

Q: What level of membership can I apply for?

We have a membership type for whatever stage you’re at in your career – refer to Membership Types.  All applicants (other than Students, Graduates and Part Time Students) start at the General Member level until they apply for Chartered Membership.

International Membership is available to members residing overseas and Retired Membership for existing Members who have retired.

Q: How much are the Membership fees?

The fees cover you for 1 year (12 months) from the date of payment for your application or from your renewal date. Fees are set on 1 April each year.

Membership Fees  
General & Chartered$ 445.00inc GST
Graduate$ 220.00inc GST (Proof of graduation date and qualification must be submitted with your application)
Student$ 44.51inc GST (Evidence of current full time study that clearly shows your status as a full time student)
Part time Student$ 220.00inc GST (Evidence of current part time study that clearly shows your status as a part time student)
International$ 191.30No GST (Overseas address required)
Retired$ 110.00inc GST
Parental Leave$ 110.00inc GST
Organisation MembershipBy enquiryHRNZ's Organisation Membership package is available for teams of or more people. Find out more…


Q: How do I apply for Chartered and Accredited Professional Membership?

Members who wish to obtain a higher level of professional accreditation will need to complete the application process. For more information about Chartering and the Application process please go to Chartered membership and for more information and how to apply for Accredited Professional membership.

Q: Is there any official recognition of my overseas accreditation status from CIPD, AHRI or SHRM?

There is currently no official recognition of any overseas accreditation status.

Q: I haven't received an invoice who should I contact?

All invoices are sent directly to the email address you have provided as your preferred email contact in your membership profile. You can also email [email protected] for a copy.

Q: I am moving overseas? Who do I need to inform?

We have an International membership option available so that you can keep up to date with HR in NZ and HRNZ while overseas. Please contact the Membership Team to discuss your membership options and update your contact details - [email protected]. An overseas address is a prerequisite.

Q: I am going on parental leave? Who do I need to inform?

We have a Parental Leave Membership option available to you. Please advise the Membership Team - [email protected]

Q: I want to cancel my HRNZ membership, who do I contact?

If you wish to cancel your HRNZ membership you need to formally resign in writing.

Please send your resignation by email to the Membership Team - [email protected].
You can request that your membership be cancelled immediately or at the end of your membership year. We appreciate feedback as to your reasons for cancelling and feedback regarding HRNZ services. HRNZ does not offer any refunds to members wishing to resign part way through their membership year.